What’s New

NEW IJLS WEBSITE - https://ijls.govmu.org

The Institute of Judicial and Legal Studies (IJLS) is pleased to announce the launch of Phase 1 of its redesigned website https://ijls.govmu.org. The new site offers enhanced navigation and an improved user experience. 


Phase 2 will introduce online registration, providing access to a range of services, including course enrolment, secure QR code payment processing and a platform for tracking Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours. A mobile application will also be available, facilitating attendance recording at IJLS and providing notifications of upcoming courses, workshops, and conferences.


Please click on https://ijls.govmu.org to view the Upcoming CPD courses






La notion de responsabilité civile au sein de l'entreprise Partie I & II

Accreditation of Training Courses for the CPD Year 2023-2024

23rd Induction Course for Prospective Barristers (September 2024 - November 2024)

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20th Induction Course Schedule for Prospective Barristers under Sec 5A (6) of the Law Practitioners Act (Fifth Amendment). click here
Notice for 20th Induction Course for Prospective Barristers - 7 February 2023
The IJLS is organizing its twentieth Induction Course as mandated under section 5A (6) of the Law Practitioners Act 1984, as amended by the Law Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2011.
The course will start in April 2023 and will conclude in June 2023. Those of you who are required to undertake this course must come to the office of the IJLS to submit the registration form and deposit the course fee of MUR 5000 (by cheque/cash payable to the Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies) before 24th March 2023. You will need to bring the following documents in original and copies for verification purposes.

List of Documents Required
1. LLB certificate, other degrees, if any (GDL, Masters, etc.…)
2. Call to bar certificate/transcripts
3. No objection letter from CVLE regarding pupillage
4. ID or passport

All interested candidates are kindly requested to contact Mr. Nooroodeen Boodun on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the application form.

The course schedule will be uploaded on the IJLS website by Mid-March 2023.

In order to be issued with the certificate of attendance, the full course has to be followed and absence from classes may disqualify you from receiving your certificate.

The IJLS reserves the right to postpone or prepone any course subject to the availability of the resource person.

IJLS Partners

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Some distinguished professionals from Mauritius and abroad have helped the IJLS in dispensation of the CPD courses and judicial trainings.

A brief sketch of some of our regular faculty is as follows:

About Us

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The Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies (IJLS) is set up under the Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies Act 2011 - which came into effect on 1st October 2011.  Section 4 of the act sets out the objectives of the Institute which are as follows:

(a) promote proficiency and ensure the maintenance of standards in the Judiciary, among law practitioners and legal officers, and generally in the delivery of Court services;
(b) foster continuing judicial and legal education;
(c) promote international exchanges and co-operation with other jurisdictions in the field of judicial and legal studies;
(d) promote transparency and consistency in the sentencing of offenders, and the award of civil damages, by making recommendations, annually, to the Chief Justice for the issue of guidelines

Section 5 of the Act calls upon the IJLS to

(a)    conduct or supervise courses, seminars or workshops for the continuing training of judicial and legal officers;
(b)   devise, organise and conduct Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programmes, for law practitioners and courses for prospective judicial and legal officers and law practitioners who qualified as such in a state other than Mauritius;
(c)    identify areas of need and interest where specialised knowledge is required, and promote and co-ordinate research and development in the judicial and legal sectors;
(d)    establish areas of co-operation and linkages with local, regional and international bodies in the judicial and legal sectors.

The affairs of the IJLS are administered and managed by a Board.

Pursuant to Section 9 of the Law Practitioners Act 2011, the Institute shall devise, organise and conduct Continuing Professional Development Programmes for each of the three branches of the legal profession with a view to broadening the knowledge of law practitioners and legal officers, keeping them abreast of developments in the law, encouraging them to share experiences and enhancing their professional skills.

Under the Judicial and Legal Studies (Continuing Professional Development Programme) Regulations 2012, every law practitioner and legal officer must participate in CPD Programmes organised by the IJLS for not less than 12 hours during every academic year, and pay a yearly fee in that respect.  The Regulations also provide that out of the 12 compulsory CPD hours, at least 2 CPD hours must be earned for courses on Ethics and Professional Responsibility.

Since its inception, the IJLS has organised a number of courses and workshops for the Judiciary and for the three branches of the legal profession in Mauritius.  The courses are conducted by members of the legal profession, judiciary, experts, academia, foreign faculty invited by the Institute.  For the first academic year from 3rd September, 2012 to 30th August 2013, the IJLS conducted 63 CPD courses totalling 182 CPD hours for the law practitioners, 6 seminars for judges of the Supreme Court, 6 workshops for magistrates and 3 full day courses for court administrators.  Details regarding number of CPD courses conducted (2015-2019) may be downloaded here.

Pursuant to section 9C (2) of the Law Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2011, the IJLS is also under an obligation to devise induction courses for those who wish to be considered for appointment as a Judge, a Magistrate or a legal officer.  In the first academic year, the IJLS organised one such induction course and in the second academic year, the IJLS will be organising two induction courses.

Pursuant to section 5A(6)(a) of the Law Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2011, the IJLS is under an obligation to devise induction courses for those prospective barristers who hold professional qualifications from foreign jurisdictions recognised by the law, before they can be called to the bar in Mauritius.  In the first academic year, the IJLS organised one such induction course for prospective barristers and in the second academic year, the IJLS will be organising two such induction courses for prospective barristers.

Events Gallery

IJLS Law Journal Publications Issue 2 ISBN 978-99949-949-5-3

May 2020

1) Le délai pour contester en justice les sûretés réelles immobilières consenties par un époux seul sur des biens communs - ISBN 978-99949-949-9-1

November 2019

1) Disciplinary Committee, an Adjudicative Measure or a Procedure to legalise dismissal by Me. Arvin Luchmun LLB, LLM, PG Cert, FHEA|Barrister-at-Law - ISBN 978-99949-967-4-2

2) Increasing Public Trust and Confidence in Environmental Law through Judicial and Legal Training and the Framework of the Environment Land Use Appeal Tribunal ELUAT by Ms. Mokshda Pertaub, Director IJLS - ISBN 978-99949-967-5-9

3) The Social Responsibility of Companies by Mr. Kamlesh Jeewooth, IJLS Legal Researcher - ISBN 978-99949-967-6-6

October 2019

1) La responsabilité du banquier dispensateur de crédit par Philippe Pétel Agrégé des facultés de droit, L'Université de Montpellier - ISBN 978-99949-967-2-8

2) State Trading Corporation v Betamax Ltd [2019] SCJ 154 - Case Commentary by Neel R Purmah, Legal Researcher at Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies - ISBN 978-99949-967-2-8

September 2019

1) Responsabilité contractuelle et délictuelle à l’Ile Maurice Le jugement Sotramon par Jean-Baptiste Seube, Professeur à l’Université de La Réunion, Doyen honoraire de la Faculté de droit et d’économie, Directeur du diplôme d’université de droit civil mauricien - ISBN 978-99949-967-0-4

2)Propriété immobilière et responsabilité: une construction prétorienne par Jean-Baptiste Seube, Professeur à l’Université de La Réunion, Doyen honoraire de la Faculté de droit et d’économie, Directeur du diplôme d’université de droit civil mauricien - ISBN 978-99949-967-1-1

March 2019

1) Article of Mathilde Balagué

January 2019

1) The implications of neuroscience on sentencing by Sabah Carrim

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