“The Role of Economic Analysis and Evidence in Competition Law” - FULLY BOOKED

CPD (Continuing Professional Development)


This CPD is organized in collaboration with the Competition Commission.

Resource Person: Dr Pierre Régibeau, Chief Economist, European Commission

Bio Profile: https://www.concurrences.com/en/auteur/Pierre-Regibeau


Competition Law is an area where legal and economic analysis are inextricably linked. It is therefore important for legal scholars and practitioners to understand the economic underpinnings of competition law as well as how bespoke economic analysis and evidence can help bolster a specific legal case.

We will begin by reviewing the economic reasons for the control of both vertical and horizontal mergers, before moving to the type of economic evidence that might be relevant to merger review as well to some of the most common economic techniques that might be applied to the available evidence. When doing so, we will refer to a number of actual competition law cases in a variety of jurisdictions. We will also consider some recent trend such as innovation-based theories of harm, killer acquisitions and early acquisitions.

We will then move to cartels, dominance and abuses of dominance. Given the huge variety of potential abuses of dominance, we will stick to basic principles: exclusionary practices versus exploitative practices, burden of proof, main economic techniques. We will then briefly discuss specific issue arising in the digital sphere, asking whether such issues are better addressed through competition policy or regulation.

Throughout the lecture, the emphasis will be placed on gaining an intuitive understanding of the main issues and on how to work, quite concretely, with economists on competition cases. We will also discuss the various manners of presenting economic evidence in Court, expert statements to “hot tubbing”.

Target Audience: All law practitioners

Seats Available: 100 max

Delivery Mode:  Face to face at the seat of the IJLS


The IJLS wishes to draw your attention to the fact that the CPD year 2023/2024 has started, and you are kindly requested to do the needful for the payment of your CPD fees as soon as possible. You may do so by calling in person at the Institute or by Bank transfer.

Two CPD Hours will be awarded.

Published on 2 May 2024

Experience Level:
Law Practitioners & Legal Officers